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a cloud of white snow falling down a dark grey mountain. to the side of the mountain is an orange exclamation point.
avalanche | By M.
a cartoony black bomb with a sparking fuse.
bomb | By Rae.
a simple hone screen with a green 'call' symbol on it. in front of the phone are three red zeroes.
call 000 | By M.
a sun hangs in the sky next to a very full thermometer. There’s an orange wave with a fire symbol on it. A black arrow points to the side, indicating continuation.
heat wave | By Rae.
a house with waves of water in front of it.
flooding | By Neon.
a tree, roots partly ripped up from green grass, that has fallen on top of a house, breaking part of its roof and walls and a window.
fallen tree | By TalkSense.
an American style outlet cover with a red X over it and a small lightning bolt above it.
power outage | By Rae.
a large yellow and red flame.
fire | By Eldritch-Emojis.
 a fire that starts a a yellow orange in the middle and has a gradient to a red on the edge
fire | By Harlow.
a cartoony black bomb with a sparking fuse and a yellow and green radiation symbol on it.
nuke | By Rae.
a powerline snapped in half, red lightning symbols coming from it. Its wires are yellow. There is a background of a dark circle.
power outage | By M.
