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A red siren, with a yellow and white flash in the middle
emergency | By StellarSymbols.
a cloud of white snow falling down a dark grey mountain. to the side of the mountain is an orange exclamation point.
avalanche | By M.
a cartoony black bomb with a sparking fuse.
bomb | By Rae.
a simple hone screen with a green 'call' symbol on it. in front of the phone are three red zeroes.
call 000 | By M.
a phone with curved lines coming out from it and the number 911
call 911 | By Harlow.
a phone with curved lines coming out from it and the number 999
call 999 | By Harlow.
a light mauve cyclone shape with six arms, each set of arms getting a progressively darker shade.
category 3 cyclone | By M.
a light mauve cyclone shape with eight arms, each set of arms getting a progressively darker shade.
category 4 cyclone | By M.
a silver shape very similar to the meterological symbol for a category 2 cyclone, with a circle around it broken into four pieces.
cyclone | By M.
a bright yellow zigag, suggesting a flash of lightning, in front of very high, bright blue choppy water.
flash flood (high-contrast) | By M.
a sun hangs in the sky next to a very full thermometer. There’s an orange wave with a fire symbol on it. A black arrow points to the side, indicating continuation.
heat wave | By Rae.
a closed padlock next to a red downwards arrow
lockdown | By M.
a high contrast symbol of a closed padlock next to a red downwards arrow
lockdown (high-contrast) | By M.
a road going diagonally with a red and white detour sign overlaid on it.
road closed | By dtcd.
 A dwhite ambulance van with a siren on the top and a red asterisk, representing the 'star of life' symbol, on the side
ambulance | By StellarSymbols.
a simple brown beam bridge shape. above it is a dark blue circle with a white padlock shape in it
bridge closed | By M.
a simple brown beam bridge shape. above it is a green circle with a white checkmark
bridge unaffected | By M.
 A drawing of a modern smartphone on the call screen next to the Star of Life symbol to represent medical emergencies, which is a blue asterisk (*) with a white icon of a snake curled around a pole inside. The phone has a red case, a dark purple screen, and no face buttons. The screen displays a green icon of a landline phone with some waves coming off of it, and circular buttons with the numbers 1 through 9, and 0, as well as the star (*) and pound (#) keys below.
call emergency medical services | By Plum.
a light mauve cyclone shape with ten arms, each set of arms getting a progressively darker shade.
category 5 cyclone | By M.
a silver shape very similar to the meterological symbol for a category 2 cyclone, with a circle around it broken into four pieces. it's in an orange triangle
cyclone warning | By M.
a house with waves of water in front of it.
flooding | By Neon.
a light yellow house with a blue roof. There’s water covering the house to halfway up the door, and an orange warning triangle in the water
flood warning | By Rae.
a tree, roots partly ripped up from green grass, that has fallen on top of a house, breaking part of its roof and walls and a window.
fallen tree | By TalkSense.
a blue house shape with a big red 'X' over it.
homeless / houseless | By M.
image looks like the meterological symbol for a category two cyclone, but reversed/backwards. it's steel grey
hurricane | By M.
a red arrow pointing from a blue house shape to a car the same shade of blue.
living in car | By M.
an American style outlet cover with a red X over it and a small lightning bolt above it.
police | By Fractals.
an American style outlet cover with a red X over it and a small lightning bolt above it.
power outage | By Rae.
a simple brown beam bridge shape. above it is a bright red circle with a yellow exclamation mark
bridge affected | By M.
a simple brown beam bridge shape. above it is a dark red circle with a bright red, white-outlined 'X'
bridge destroyed | By M.
a phone with curved lines coming out from it and the number 112
call 112 | By Harlow.
a light mauve cyclone shape with two arms.
category 1 cyclone | By M.
a light mauve cyclone shape with four arms, the second set of arms getting darker.
category 2 cyclone | By M.
a corkscrew shape, roughly filled in with a mostly opaque brown.
dust devil | By M.
a large yellow and red flame.
fire | By Eldritch-Emojis.
a yellow zigag, suggesting a flash of lightning, in front of very high, choppy water.
flash flood | By M.
 a fire that starts a a yellow orange in the middle and has a gradient to a red on the edge
fire | By Harlow.
a yellow figure wearing a red firefighter uniform (helmet and overalls)
firefighter | By StellarSymbols.
A pixelated drawing of a small stretch of road, there are light blue patches to depict ice with various snowflakes scattered on it to further show the ice
icy roads | By Budget.
a cartoony black bomb with a sparking fuse and a yellow and green radiation symbol on it.
nuke | By Rae.
a yellow figure wearing a blue police uniform (hat and shirt with badge)
police officer | By StellarSymbols.
a powerline snapped in half, red lightning symbols coming from it. Its wires are yellow. There is a background of a dark circle.
power outage | By M.
